Advancing Global Ecosystem-Atmosphere Exchange Measurements


2 – 3 p.m., Dec. 11, 2023

FLUXNET is a global network of eddy covariance tower sites that provides long-term measurements of carbon, water, energy and other GHGs fluxes between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere.


The session will provide an overview of recent activities from the FLUXNET Co-op project, which coordinates activities across the international network of networks. The FLUXNET Community council will present plans to support the development of early career researchers through mentorship, networking, and training opportunities and the experiences of FLUXNET secondment awardees, who will share their research conducted at different FLUXNET sites around the world.

In addition, the Town Hall will highlight the recent developments of the Regional Networks and the strategies under development to provide access to standardized and high quality data across the FLUXNET participants. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in discussions and share feedback on the future direction of FLUXNET, including emerging research questions and technological advances that are likely to shape the field in the coming years.

Overall, the FLUXNET Town Hall session promises to be an informative event, providing attendees with insights into the latest advances in ecosystem-atmosphere exchange measurements and modeling, and the activities of the FLUXNET Co-op and Community council.